New Look for LL League Football

The 2022 football seaosn has arrived and with it a new look.

The addition of 13 new Berks County school arrivals take the total league up to 37, and it adds more competition to the fold this season.

The main reason was to make each Section more evenly matched with similar sized schools.

On May 6, 2020, the Lancaster-Lebanon League officials voted 19-5 to approve the latest version of Berks County football merging with the L-L League. This means, 13 football teams are coming into the L-L League, to form a 37-team “Mega Conference”!

This is the 51st year of the LL League. Before the LL League in 1944 it was known as the County High League. Then the Lebanon schools applied for entrance and were accepted.

Five teams voted against this current merger because they thought the rivalries would be diminished. But coaches believe now rivalries with the addition of quality teams coming into the league will emerge.

Will other sports teams be added to other sports? Only time will tell.

Here is the first look at the 5 section LL League football with the new teams added:

Section One: Reading

Section Two: Exeter, Governor Mifflin, Mulhenberg

Section Three: Daniel Boone, Fleetwood, Twin Valley

Section Four: Berks Catholic, Conrad Weiser, Wyomissing

Section Five: Hamburg, Kutztown, Schuykill Valley